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Aesthetic Dermatology Clinic Redefining Skin Health
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Genital Area Rejuvenation
The O-shot (Orgasm shot) and P-shot (Priapus shot) are simple, non-pharmaceutical procedures that rejuvenate sex drive and libido, create more intense orgasms, strengthen vaginal muscles and bladder control, and improve firmness and stamina in men.

The Orgasm Shot (o-Shot) is a very specific method of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the vagina and to help relieve women with urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from the patient's blood and injected into an area near the clitoris and inside the vagina. The goal is to stimulate the growth of new cells and make the injected areas more sensitive.
O-Shot effects:
Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
Younger, smoother skin of the vulva (lips of the vagina).
A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
Stronger orgasm
More frequent orgasm
Increased sexual desire
Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
Increased natural lubrication
Decreased urinary incontinence
The Priapus Shot (P-Shot) is a non-surgical procedure that uses the growth factors a man has in his own body to stimulate penis rejuvenation, naturally. The simple, nonsurgical, physician-administered procedure is designed to help men with sexual problems.
The Priapus Shot can help men suffering from:
Inability to attain or maintain erections
Incomplete erection or diminished sexual stamina during sex
Lost sensation in the penis
Benefits for men receiving a Priapus Shot include:
Increased blood flow and circulation
Improved sexual capabilities
Increase in sexual stamina
Increased sensation and pleasure
Enhanced appearance
During the Priapus Shot procedure, the doctor or nurse begins by applying a numbing cream to the penis and arm. Blood is then drawn from the arm in the same way as with a blood test. Using a centrifuge and a special method, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is then isolated with the resultant growth and healing factors. Using a very thin needle, the growth and healing factors are then injected into very specific areas of the penis. Because this area has been numbed with the anesthetic cream, the patient feels little or no pain.
The effects of the Priapus Shot® continue to improve for up to 3 months and may last 12-18 months.
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